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Advice from CEO Analytics to Hotels for Attracting Guests

"As travel begins to pick up in (the) first quarter of 2021, many hotels are going to fall into the mental trap of advertising their deep Covid19 cleaning. Our advice: stay away from that" said Marcelo Salup, co-founder of high-level customer insight firm CEO Analytics, in a released statement.

"Everyone and their mom are going to advertise that, so, at best, you'll be a parity advertiser."

"A couple of months ago, we conducted a test among people who traveled in 2019 for a hotel consultant and found two interesting facts," said Adi Asavaid, co-founder of CEO Analytics, in the same statement, "Everyone we surveyed assumed that 'their' hotel brand was going to be cleaner than others, so that was a given.

However, if you focus on heavy –and profitable—travelers (took 3+ trips, VP and higher, college-educated and higher) the quality of light in the bathroom came in as number 3 in importance."

Marcelo offered three suggestions for the hospitality industry seeking to regain lost ground:

  • Tell people you are open for business. Seriously, do. Don't assume they know.

  • Find the surprising and positive hook that will get them to read more and engage with your ads. Do you have a better breakfast? Hey, that came in at number 2. Are your bathroom lights female-friendly? That came in at number 3.

  • And the one thing we tell everyone: never mind what YOU think… it's about what your customer truly loves and drives them to action… so make sure you truly understand THAT.

CEO Analytics created a unique customer survey that combines Disassociated Conjoint Analysis and proprietary algorithms to unearth what is really important to your customer and what really drives them to prefer you.

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